With over 50 years of fishing experience, from local clubs to Open Matches, Nationals, and World Championships. World champion “1987” and runner-up Silver Medal “1986” Gold Medal Team Wales “1989” Clive Branson passes on all known fishing float methods and techniques through this float-fishing Website
Clive has collated the most comprehensive float fishing range possible: Now available to all anglers whether experienced or a beginner. Including all the latest information and technical advances, with first hand knowledge and experience’s.
Throughout the Website he discuses the history and the evolution of floats, where and when they were discovered and developed, how to use Pole Floats, how to use wagglers, how to use stick floats, how to use all floats and showing you diagrams and illustrations, techniques and methods used by himself and other World class Anglers, ensuring the greater understanding and usage.
By Clive Branson
Welcome to my Float fishing Website, It has always been an ambition of mine to put to-gether a full range of fishing float products. With methods and techniques changing drastically over the years, I feel it is now time for a reference libary and Website on the subject and the Internet is an ideal medium to market my floats.
Anglers on the fishing bank these days use float fishing techniques probably more than any other method available to them. Float fishing is a skill to learn,
very interesting and enjoyable, and catching fish on a home made float has
more satisfaction than any thing I know, it really is an art to catching fish, so
much so that the governing body of World Angling Championships C.I.P.S.
Will only recognise and allow float caught fish in the Freshwater World Championships
In recent years there has been an explosion of new floats, this I believe is due to the pole popularity, and the continental influence. New design of wagglers, loaded missiles, feeder floats, shaped stick floats and so on… Yet if we look back at the old design and materials of floats we find that most have been used before, some lost in the sands of time and in our quest to develop new ones I have re introduce them back into the market place through my company “Gold Medal floats co uk”. I have talked to old master’s and have covered many old magazines and books, rediscovering the old forgotten floats and their applications. I believe we have to look back and see how floats were first invented and how they were used, and for what purposes. Then we can analyse the developments and put all the new floats into perspective. We take the float for granted but just stop for a moment and analyse how the float has so many specific jobs to do;
* (1) It helps cast the bait
* (2) It carry’s the bait in the swim.
* (3) It helps to present the bait naturally or un-naturally, slow it
down or speed it up
* (4) It registers a bite.
* (5) It helps to keep the control of the tackle.
* (6) It catches fish.
* (7) It can also help to land the fish. (guiding the fish out of snags)
* (8) It can under certain circumstances attract the fish to the bait.
* (9) It can now carry loose feed and groundbait into the swim.
* (10) It can help you fish in the dark with a light on top.
* (11) It can cast tremendous distances.
* (12) It can hook the fish
Now All this may seem obvious to an experienced angler but it is remarkable how many anglers over look the basics that the float is intended to present the bait to the fish as naturally as possible without being to sensitive registering false and phantom bites.
Materials have an important part to play in developing a float, for a specific job, making a float sensitive enough but enabling it to cope with different situations, such as weather and light conditions.
With space age materials now at our disposal, materials like carbon, polystyrene, glass, tungsten, plastics and other composites, we now have the technology with precision engineering to make the perfect floats. Yet not so long ago our angling predecessors had to content with a limited selection of materials to build his floats, such as crow quill, pith, porcupine, cork, balsa, cane, and only in the mid 1950’s was peacock discovered and imported into the UK.
We are now in an exciting stage of development within fishing products generally, the development of super glues and self moulding materials now catapulting angling into the 21st century.
CB Angling Publication, Evesham, 1997. (c)
All floats within the Gold Medal Float range have been personally developed, built, tested, recommended and used by myself Clive Branson (Double Gold, Silver and Bronze medallist)
Please allow 5 to 10 working days for floats to be made and posted. However, if you require something quicker please contact me to make arrangements. clive@angling-news.co.uk
Now for Sale The complete Float Manual over 167 pages of content