The inserted peacock waggler has a smaller piece of peacock inserted into the top of the float, (1″-3″) although some times this insert could also be made up of other materials, all depending on how sensitive the angler wants his float, cane, nylon, sarcandas just to name a few.
The inserted waggler has many advantages, firstly it has greater sensitivity, ideal for shy biting fish, secondly it is perfect for lift and on the drop bites, thirdly inserts can be interchangeable, making it easy and convenient for swapping lengths and colour’s of tips. The colour of the insert is important, yellow or white is a good colour, especially with a darkened backdrop of trees or hedges, but no good with a light skyline or bright coloured hay, grass or corn.
Orange or blaze has a good all round appeal and can be sighted against most backgrounds,
Black is ideal when you have a ripple on the water or with a light sky backdrop.
Inserted wagglers can be used in still or running water, size’s vary and depends on the venue to be fished, small river’s only need between 1-11/2 swan shot, larger rivers perhaps, 2-3 swan shots. Canals and other stillwaters however may only need 3-4BB shot.
I like to dot my inserted waggler low down in the water, this gives me the advantages of spotting the most shy of bites, plus lift bites, the insert will lift up in the water. Bites on the drop happen when the fish intercept the bait before the shots have time to settle, this can be observed when counting the receding markings on the insert.
My preferred shotting pattern with an insert waggler is a shirt button style, decreasing in shot size down to the hook length, (7 no 8, 3 no 10, 2 no 12.) Perfect for on the drop fishing plus allowing a natural presentation, a good method for roach, dace, chub. This method also allows me to fish over depth without the waggler dragging under to often.
Sinking the line is normal when fishing the inserted waggler, this helps stops the line from bowing in the wind, but some times you can fish with the line on the surface, this can be beneficial when you want direct contact with your float for perfect control and presentation. If however you are fishing a stillwater at distance, you must sink the line to the float, and when striking you must strike upwards, so to take up any snake in the line for direct contact.
When fishing rivers I like to fish slightly down stream and on windy days, sink the line and strike into the bow for a buffer. I use a sinking agent on my line for this, fullers earth or detergent. Reel line vary’s and depends on the venue, my ideal waggler line is diameter 12, although I may go heavier if I am using larger floats and fishing for bigger fish.
Retrieving the waggler can sometimes cause a twist on the hook length, so when ever possible you should reel in the waggler on the surface of the water.

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