This float was invented and adapted by a few anglers back in the season of 1977, the reason this came about, was an explosion of small chub on the Bristol Avon (England), between Limpley Stoke and Claverton.
As a young man I used to fish this area very frequently, the fishing was very good, and most enjoyable, the summer was exceptionally hot, as I remember. Perhaps this was the reason the chub in the water became very hard to catch! These chub became surface feeders, eating floating bait only, by way of experimenting we found that black floating casters was the trick. Unfortunately they were also very hard to hit on the conventional little waggler up in the water, I believe these chub were feeling the resistance of the line from the float and in a split second shelled the bait before we could make contact.
To over come the resistance of line to the bait we devised a float to combat this. The answer was to put the eye on top of the float and load the float at the bottom. Using greased line from the float to the bait, this way their was no resistance at all, and in fact the chub used to hook them selves. That summer, a few anglers in the know, cleaned up the matches in that area, since I have tried this method on a variety of waters, and if there are surface feeding fish around then this is the float that can catch a net full.
To make this float is simple, all you need is a length of peacock about 4″/5″ insert a plastic or nylon float eye into the top, glue and set.
Next you will need a brass rod insert, (welding rod) this is glued into the bottom of the peacock, just enough to balance the float so that the top of the float is just out of the water.
I like to paint this float all white, as this colour blends into the sky for better camouflage, and less, likely to scare the shy chub.
(In some cases I paint all my wagglers white, especially when fishing shallow. In test I have found, fish are less spooked from white coloured floats, this I discovered when studying the natural phenomenon of all fish and birds of prey, the under neath of these species all have a white belly that blends into the skyline, two main reasons of this, firstly fish can’t see underneath, so this gives them a natural camouflaging, secondly birds of prey are designed so that their victim can’t see them when above.)
The top eye wagg, is also a perfect float for surface feeding carp, of course a larger float will be needed to cast the distance, you can follow the same principles for making the smaller version.

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